Camera Floor Plan

Hello there, 

In this post, I want to explain how we planned the camera and light equipment for shooting.
After the first shooting, I learned that in the green screen studio, the location and movement of the camera and equipment are limited.

From the previous post, I have shown what the green screen studio we filmed look like.
It has a huge green backdrop and a green floor, but except that two sides are not confined but open.



Therefore, in order to use the green screen effectively, the camera needs to stay still whilst all the props are relocated redirected for different shots,

Based on the knowledge, I have come up with camera floor plan for the shots.


In the first two scenes where our main protagonists get bored, go on tinder, and start texting each other, the bed should be located in the middle of the studio while two pillows are located near the green backdrop. The same camera floor plan was used for the front shots of the two actors when they are watching Netflix together and the cafe scene, where two actors having coffee together.


Camera floor plan for the front shots

scene1&2 camera floor plan




In terms of filming profiles or one-actor-only shots, the bed has to be rotated 90 counter-clockwise to use the green screen fully.


Camera floor plan for the profile shots

sccene3 camera floor plan



In the above setting, what was really hard for us was to locate camera for the condom scene. When we were making the storyboards and shot lists, we decided to shot this in high angle Close-up shot.


However, it was tough to diminish the shadow of the box and other equipment on the floor. Katerina and I asked Rory, how can we reduce the shadow and he advised us to lower the light. Then the shadow would be dispersed. Accordingly, we located camera and light as below.


Camera floor plan for the condoms shots

condom scene camera floor plan




After we filmed the condom scene, the other scenes were similar to the previous shots. What Katerina and I did was replacing the mattress with the table and chairs.

When we were filming the profile shots of the two actors, we put two chairs each side of the table as below.


Camera floor plan for the coffee scene-profile shots

cafe scene camera floor plan




However, when we intended to film one-actor-only shots, we put only one chair between the table and the green backdrop. By doing that, in the post-production, we could put the illustrated backgrounds instead of the green backdrop.

Camera floor plan for the coffee scene-front shots

cafe scene floor plan 2




Overall, by planning camera and equipment floor plan, we could use the green screen fully and make the beautiful shot like this.



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